Mr. Thompson served as the City of Austin Project Manager on the $2.1M project to replace the existing water line crossing immediately east of the US 183 ‐ Ed Bluestein bridge over Boggy Creek. The existing water line had been washed out on multiple occasions due to severe erosion of the stream bank along Boggy Creek.
The existing line was no longer in service and could not be repaired in its existing configuration. The water line was replaced via tunneling in order to restore system capacity and reliability in the area, while eliminating the threat of damage from future stream bank erosion along Boggy Creek.
This project was designed to accommodate the future US 183 expansion based on plans provided by the Texas Department of Transportation and the Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority. The project included the installation of 690 linear feet of 36‐inch water pipe installed by tunneling at depths of 30‐90 feet below the existing ground elevation.