The project included approximately 25 miles of sidewalks, 10 miles of pedestrian and bicycle shared paths, 8 miles of cycle tracks, hundreds of ramps, and hundreds of driveways and involved coordination with City of Austin departments, TxDOT, and Capital Metro.
Atlas provided expert consultation on applicable Traffic Control Standard Details for use at specific project locations as well as design of custom engineered TCPs for site specific conditions for which a standard detail was not applicable. The development of TCPs required a complete understanding of site conditions and construction practices as well as a familiarity with ADA accessibility requirements.
Specifically, the design of the TCP for work at the Lamar Blvd & 29th Street intersection included work hour restrictions related to work on a critical arterial (Lamar), design of a pedestrian by-pass for several phases of work to insure continues access for Pease Park and student pedestrian users traversing the work zone, and lane closure configurations that maintained turning movements for vehicle traffic to avoid the necessity for detours.