ADA Sidewalk and Ramp Improvements

Client Information:

City of Austin

505 Barton Springs Rd, Suite 800, Austin, TX 78704 


Date Completed:



Work Capabilities:

Field Engineering

Temporary Traffic Control

Plan Design


Atlas served as both Project Engineer and Project Manager for a series of contracts for ADA Sidewalk and Ramp Improvements in the City of Austin. The initial project was for $500,000 and included Group 6. The contract was subsequently expanded for another $500,00 and included Groups 5, 7, and 8. In addition, Mr, Slauson served the same function for two additional Sidewalk and Ramp Improvement contracts in 2011 and 2014.

During construction, and as required for individual sites, Atlas provided and approved specific engineering design in the field. The project included both removal and replacement of damaged sidewalk and installation of new ADA compliant sidewalks. He coordinated construction with businesses and homeowners, COA Watershed Protection, and Right of Way Management. He provided traffic controls and permit documents as needed to construct individual projects.

During the life of these contracts, Atlas was requested to provide several special designs to address site specific issues, including shared use paths, retaining walls, special drainage features, bridges, and full depth pavement repair.