City of Blanco
Year Completed:
Work Capabilities:
Project Management
Utility Design
Code Development
Urban Planning
City leaders elected to plan for future mobility and development along its vital 281 Corridor, as a first step in a series of comprehensive planning efforts to ensure the sustainable growth of the City. The City sought to commence a two-fold planning process for the 281 Corridor: 1) Establish a vision: and 2) establish an actionable plan to implement the vision.
Atlas and its sub contracted partner, K- Friese defined the corridor parameters and set to establish the vision of the corridor through Character Zone definition. To establish the vision, the project effort worked to ensure that future development along 281 is not only fiscally responsible, but would also maintain and enhance the character of the City.
The planning process included consideration of accepted urban development standards and peer city strategies that reflect the charm and historical context of Blanco, while also carefully studying market conditions and the environmental and infrastructural constraints that are unique to Blanco. A community survey and series of community forums were also utilized to fully develop the vision for the corridor.
The project looked at the city’s ETJ where the Northern and Southern inputs from the 281 Corridor will come into play. Here land use, zoning, the look and feel of the structures, and availability of infrastructure were critical to meeting the city’s vision. The fiscal impact of varying land use and development options, and the projected infrastructure requirements to meet growth demand were assessed.
The Atlas and K-Friese team considered work already completed such as the Blanco Wastewater Service Area Study and the land uses, and projections applied for the 2020 publication. These inputs became part of the existing and visioning efforts of the 281-project informing the recommendations to code and capital planning.